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A Message from the RESS Principal

Ms. Mary Grace Stutzman, Acting Principal


Phone: (724) 258-8454

Welcome to another year at Ringgold Elementary School South!  We hope that all students enrolled in RESS are ready to have an exciting, fulfilling, and successful educational experience this school year.  Every school year brings with it new opportunities, new changes, and the hope that this school year will be rewarding for the students, their families, and the district staff.  

School Wide Positive Behavior is a program that has been adopted by the Ringgold School District.  It will be used to promote and maximize academic achievement and behavioral competence.  It is a school-wide strategy for helping all students achieve important social and learning goals and focuses on the whole child.  At Ringgold, we know that when good behavior and good teaching come together, our students will excel in their learning.  RESS is proud to be a part of this exciting initiative.  In order to foster this positive environment, our students and staff demonstrate the core values of Ready, Accepting, Mindful, and Safe (RAMS). We love when our RESS family shows off their, “RAMS Pride!”

Finally, we would like to encourage every student to do his/her best throughout this school year and we ask that all individuals (students, parents, guardians, teachers and staff) work together to make this a positive year for every child in the Ringgold School District.  Thank you for your continued commitment to your child’s education and unwavering dedication to Ringgold Elementary School South where student success is our priority.